15 June 2009

Freezer Burn

IMDB RT Official

Genre: Comedy
Release Year: 2007

There's something to be said about low-budget movies, and Freezer Burn definitely makes that apparent.

The story revolves around a laboratory scientist, Virgil (Robert Harriell) and his crippled, poorly compensated, but fucking hilarious sidekick Rex (Michael Consiglio). They're working on cryogenics and are having a lot of success with freezing organs. This all goes to hell when Virgil's wife is angry at him for buying a piece of art from one of her students. Virgil develops a crush on the 14 year old student, Emma, so he decides to freeze himself. After Rex fucks up paying the bills to keep the freezer going, Virgil awakens a bit early and looks for Emma. Hilarity-to some extent- ensues.

The movie was made with a low budget, and it's pretty noticeable by the sets used and some of the production values. The writing is pretty decent. The plot is really simple, creepy, but simple. Really, without Rex, this movie is a tad on the boring side even. The acting is pretty good for the most part, they just weren't given much to work with. Overall, it's not a bad movie, but I don't know if I'd ever watch it again. Maybe a renter or something

Overall: 5.5/10

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14 June 2009

The Boondock Saints

The Boondock Saints
IMDB RT Official
Release Year: 1999

Massive gunfights, lots of cursing, and a great storyline make Boondock Saints a pleasure to watch. Again and again.

The McManus brothers, Connor and Murphy (Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus), are fraternal twins are on a mission. A mission from god. A mission to set out to rid the evil in Boston. They take action into their own bad-ass hands and beat the shit out of numerous corrupt individuals, not to mention the fact that they use a disgusting array of high powered weaponry. All the while; gay FBI Agent, Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe), is following hot on their trail in his own creative, fact-finding way.

Part two (Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day) appears to be near completion, so that'll be something to look forward to in the near future. See the IMDB site here for more info.

As far as the original movie goes, I was very impressed overall. The use of relatively unknown actors made it feel very authentic. As much as I like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, I really don't think they would have fit in movie very well. Therefore, I feel the casting for Boondock Saints was spot on. The writing was very good as well. The action scenes and special effects were fantastic. This combo leads to a great movie.

If you haven't seen this movie, you've probably heard somebody talking about it at some point-knowingly or not. It's your turn to become enlightened; I highly suggest seeing Boondock Saints.

Overall: 8.5/10


What's up? not much to explain. I love TV and movies, so here I am reviewing them in my own words. There won't be any sugar-coated reviews, so I hope you can handle my raw opinion.